Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Hot Dogs

We really love hot dogs... I mean REALLY, REALLY love hot dogs.

Out to dinner with Grandma Clifford...

Steve and I just went out to dinner with his Grandma... She's polish and Steve always calls her "boosha". I just recently found out that there is quite the controversy as to how to spell it, so I'm not even going to try. Weird. I wish I knew another language.
We went to Charlie's Crab and feasted! It was great!

Just another quality picture of Steven...

Saturday, August 2, 2008

A night out with Sister...

While in California, my littlest sister and I took at mini vacation to San Diego. While we were there, we were able to see killer whales, eat great breakfast burritos (true mexican style), and go out at our fabulous 4 star hotel restaurant. Let me tell you... The prices were high, but it was well worth it! Since it was the 4th of July, the hotel was on lockdown, as several people wanted to partake in the beauty and lavish perks of the Hilton resort... We had to wear our very stylish blue bracelets to let the hotel workers know we were OK to be laying out at the pool... Seriously, the service was awesome. Thanks to Arlene for her hotwire skills, otherwise we would have been staying at the Super 8!

This is us trying to beat the 2 second timer that I had put on my camera... Obviously I am not fast enough!

This is about the best we could do... It was a lost cause.

Oh, I guess this one was a little bit better than the other two. I had changed the timer to 10 seconds by this point.

Probably one of the coolest pics we took all night. That bottle of wine broke my bank, but it was worth it.

This was at the end of the night... Christine and I decided to have just one more martini. Unfortunately, it put me over the edge, and I had to retire to my suite by approximately 9:30 pm. Needless to say, I did not enjoy the wonderful breakfast buffet the next morning to it's fullest extent! Yum. The eggs were delish!

The pool area was really nice... and it was filled up by about 10:30 am!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

California family time!

California.... One of my favorite vacation spots... My sisters, mom, and I went to visit my mom's side of the family in Los Angeles... We were here over the 4th of July. Here's a few pics of our trip while hanging out with the family... Grandma at the beach. She lives about 5 miles away from Santa Monica beach and she told us that she hadn't gone down to the beach in years!!!!
After a rather ruthless run down the boardwalk in Santa Monica... I was pretty dead after this one...
Sea World! Blake, Muff, and Me...
Shamu beached himself, looking for a reward of fish!
Pretty large pickles... Pretty darn good...

Blake and Jen at the English Pub!
J and Muff, also at the English Pub!
Christine and me on the Ferris Wheel at Santa Monica Pier. It was cold up there!
Cool pic while riding on the Ferris Wheel.
Hanging out at the beach with Mom!

Muff trying to surf or something...
Grandma and a Modelo!
Grandma and Lisa... Pre-baby!!!!
Muff, Harley, and Uncle Mike!
Grandma and Mom at the beach.

New Baby!

My cousin Michael and Lisa just had a baby!!!!! She is soooooo cute. We were lucky enough to be in California for the big day... July 4th, 2008!
Her name is Taylor Elizabeth Mayer. She's perfect! My mom was just in LA and she said she's cuter now because she's actually alert. I can't imagine being cuter than she was when we saw her... I'm quite proud, and she's not even my child!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Look at those cheeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sweet camera tricks...
The cousins. Mike is holding Taylor.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Baby Dehlin's first trip to the ballpark!

It was a sweltering evening in G Rap... There was a chance of storms... But we didn't think that it would actually rain... So we decided to put Baby Dehlin in her car seat and take her on her first trip to the ballpark! Off we go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here they are, outside of the ball park!

Below is Baby's first hot dog!
Katie and Danielle thought that the rain would stop... they were wrong. Thank goodness that Baby got out of the rain in time!
Danielle trying out her skills at drinking out of a feminine product... how interesting!

Hiding the double chin...

The evening ended sort of early for Katie because she had to run in a road race the next day.... But Baby didn't rest!!!! Off to Mojo's!!!

Visiting Deeten and Hannah

A few weeks ago, Aud, Jos and mysel went to St. Joe to visit our friend Kris and her cute little baby, Hannah. She is seriously so cute!!!!! Check her out!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Say hi to Steve, as he makes his debut on the blog.
Here's a pic from his birthday dinner at Reds on the River. YUM!!!!
Danielle and Steve enjoying ready whip, with a side of strawberry pie... Ask Danielle how many servings she had : )
Hanging out on the town.
What a schmmmooozer.
At the Anchor with some of our friends during a rainstorm!